
Saturday, March 23, 2013

I Love This Time of Year

Spring Time in Southeast Alaska

I love this time of year in SE. Alaska. Spring, I start looking for it around Thanksgiving. After my first winter I was ready to pack it in and head for drier pastures. But along come spring and it's what really sold me on staying in this pristine part of Alaska. No matter how miserable the winter, how badly you suffered from cabin fever, the first days of spring are welcomed warmly. I can't speak for everyone, but for me, the energy just leaps from me. This morning I awoke to the sound of song birds instead of the crunching of snow and ice under the passing vehicles. Even though the snow is lingering and the temperature is on the chilly side, there where many folks up and at'em, as evident on my morning walk. It was so enjoyable that I extended it by visiting Ward Lake and taking a stroll along the creek. Ya got to love it!

Along Ward Lake Creek
I wasn't the only one with the feeling of spring, it was apparent all through Ketchikan this fine morning. Downtown, they where busy pressure washing the grim of winter off several buildings, as well I saw several people cleaning the windows of their businesses. With only a few short weeks until the first cruise ship visitors, there is a lot to do before they arrive.

Speaking of a lot to do, I need to finish my laundry, so that'll do for now. If you haven't been out and experienced SPRING, GET OUTSIDE!!!


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