
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'mmmmm Baaaack!!!

I'm back, did you miss me? Well, I sure hope so, I missed posting to this great Blog.
I have been real busy the past 6 days, I went out for my subsistence fish and brought home 30 really nice sockeye salmon. I put up 12 jars of smoked, 12 smoked w/ garlic and onion(I did this last year and it tasted great) and 24 regular fish. I also filleted, smoked and vacuum packed 8 fish and the remainder filleted and vacuum packed. I have almost enough fish for the long winter ahead. I'll make one more trip in mid- Sept. when the last coho run shows up and one more halibut trip and that should do me well into next spring. This is what living in SE. Alaska is all about. We have so many natural resources at hand and most are quite easy to make use of.
As for the deer hunting part of the trip, I went, I saw, I shot, I missed. I'll have plenty of time between now and the end of Dec. to go after those elusive Blacktails. I usually only get 1 or 2 deer in the fall after the first snow has brought them down to the lower elevation, which makes it easier on old guys like me. Till next time, Be Safe: K-townking

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