
Monday, August 24, 2009

Goofing Off

I took a day off and went for a boat ride with my pal from N.Y., up Thorn Arm last week. With the thought of checking out one of the old gold mines. Well, the "Northern Dream" is not a fast boat, very comfy, but not fast. It took longer then we anticipated, so we couldn't make it to the mine. We did go ashore and wonder through the forest. There was a huge pile of tailing's from the mine and we dug around just for a look. You never know, stranger things have happened. The whole time I was there I kept hearing this little squirrel chattering up a storm. I was wondering what he was carrying on about, so I went looking. I was close when he ran down the tree in front of me and down this dead fall. When I looked down the tree, I could see neat little piles of seed husks and the core of the pine cone. He had eaten his way down the trunk of the tree leaving the remains of the cones behind. He was a fast one ,as he could stuck a cone in about two minutes. We didn't find any gold, I did grab a couple of cool rock full of "fools gold" and we didn't catch any fish. It was a great day, the sun was out, nice and warm,clean air, good friends and a great time. What more does a guy need? Later, K-townking

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