
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"Fisherman Blues"

We passed these guys on the way up Thorn Arm for a little gold mine exploring. Their part of the purse seine fleet that fish around the K-town area. When we passed by there were about a dozen boats working the shore at the mouth of the inlet. While were out exploring, they told us that they had just returned to fishing after off loading the morning catch of around 50,000 lbs and were hoping to double that on the in coming tide. Fishermen work in unsatisfactory conditions most of the time, these guys were glad that the weather was good. If you've ever worn rain gear, then you know how hot one can get while working in it. These guys wear it, even on the hottest days, to help protect them from the jelly fish that come falling from the net, as they load the fish on the boat. So, when you're enjoying that salmon on the bar-b-que, remember to give a little thanks to the FISHERMEN who made it possible. See Ya; K-townking

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