
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Last Trip of Summer

It's always a sad part of the summer when the "Northern Dream" has made her last trip and must prepare for the long winter away from the water.This picture of her at anchor in Thorn Arm was on her last trip of the season.
My buddy from Long Island, N.Y. has been coming to Alaska for over 15 years that I know of. In that time he has taken the "Dream" from one end of the Inside Passage to the other and back. He shows up just like the salmon, in May, ready for his various adventures with his pals from back east and us locals, when we find time in our busy(BS) schedules, and then he leaves at the end of August, with his summers catch and the memories of yet another summer spent in SE. Alaska.
I have never had a bad trip on the "Dream", she has always been true to her name. There have been a few where the conditions have been unfavorable, but that was not of her doing. She has always come through the storm and brought us safely back home. Her skipper has barely made it back to N.Y. and if I know him, he can't wait till next summer. Here's hopping your winter is full of FUN!!! See Ya then you ol' Salt!!! K-townking

PS. Thanks for the Shrimp, they were deeeliciuos

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